Weems & Plath SOS Distress Signal – Flares never outdated again for under $100, this is a great signal to have always on board.
Murphy’s Oil Soap in hot water is best for cleaning dirty or stained teak or Sapele - then apply several coats of Formby’s Lemon Oil or Williamsville Wax (can be ordered at www.hfstaples.com or call 1-800-682-0034).
Shut off Engine Sea Cocks and secure shaft before towing. Prevents flooding engine and overheating shaft.
Hydrogen peroxide is a great antiseptic and great for bleaching and cleaning counter tops. It is better than bleach. Rebed seam to Pilot House upper deck. Remove old caulk with dremel tool. Use Sikaflex with UV. Especially on Nordic 37’s & 42’s.
Kanberra Gel – use refill pouch 24oz to refill containers. Place some in every cabin area. Degrades mold, mildew, fungus and odors.
Teak or Sapele steps should be cleaned very well and coated with several coats of clear Duraseal. They will look like new.